April 12, 2010
2012: Time for Change - Psyche & Spirit the New Cutting Edge?
San Francisco's Landmark Theatre showed an early screening last night of 2012: Time for Change, which is a new film directed by Emmy Award nominee Joao Amorim. It follows journalist Daniel Pinchbeck's quest for a new paradigm that integrates the wisdom of tribal cultures with new scientific methods.
From the movie, their suggestion is that "as conscious agents of evolution, we can redesign post-industrial society on ecological principles to make a better world, one which works for all of us. 2012 heralds the birth of a regenerative planetary culture where collaboration replaces competition, where exploration of psyche and spirit becomes the new cutting edge." No grave surprise that this hit San Francisco early.
Below is a teaser from Amorim.
2012: Time for Change -Teaser from Joao Amorim on Vimeo.
Following the film screening, there was an after party at Sera Phi Lounge on Howard Street, which was facelifted for the event; additional neon lights set the mood for philosophical, tribal and scientific chatter in both a hip and hippie environment. Below, the short video footage will give you an idea of the background design and the music in motion.
My first dialogue was with an astrologer and musician, my second with an anthropologist who develops programs using 'design thinking' for Fortune 500 companies, the third with the founder of a Solar start-up and the fourth with a Burning Man enthusiast and horiculturalist. When I told someone I was a 'rainmaker,' I was asked how and what methods I used, which quickly led to a discussion on Shamanism. Lesson 101: always know your audience before you choose your language :-).
April 12, 2010 in America The Free, Arts & Creative Stuff, Entertainment/Media, Events, San Francisco, Science, Videos | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack
February 26, 2010
The Sages & the Scientists: Spirit Meets Manifestation
This weekend, the Deepak Chopra, the Sages & Scientists Symposium event kicks off in San Diego, which is focused on the intersection of perennial wisdom with cutting-edge science…......where consciousness makes the impossible possible… where Spirit meets manifestation.
February 26, 2010 in Events, On Spirituality, Science | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack
February 16, 2010
Below is Al Seckel's talk in Munich Germany in January on illusions, which will most clearly change your perception of reality. Al is internationally recognized as one of the world's leading authorities on visual and other types of sensory illusions and has authored over 15 books on the subject.February 16, 2010 in Conference Highlights, On Technology, Science, Videos | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack
July 26, 2009
Harry Potter Fandom in Action
If you set foot in the Parc55 Hotel last week looking for a bunch of geeks participating in a mobile event, you would have been surprised to see a lobby full of young women and girls and hundreds of others dressed to the nines in whatever Harry Potter character they most resonated with.
The Harry Potter annual gathering, know as the AZKATRAZ convention drew people in from New Zealand, Canada, Germany, England and our Orlando, Washington, New York and Dallas.
The woman I first started talking to was interrupted when a woman in full garb came rushing over and said to her, "you look familiar." She asked for her Harry Potter handle and then there was immediate recognition followed by a hug. And then, a lot of chatter as if they were long lost cousins who had not seen each other since a childhood family reunion.
I was so drawn in that I couldn't leave and the attendees didn't want me to. Do you know the difference between an Anapneo and Animagus? Do you know enough to be the smartest quizzard in Hogwarts?
There was a quiz later night for the die hards, hosted by Wes Kauble from Ten Dollar Trivia, the most original gameshow on YouTube.com
Also promoted to Harry Potter fans was ArtInsights new "Witches and Wizards of Harry Potter" limited edition sets with specially selected images of actors featured in the movie series.
The schedule is intense I learn from several sources. In addition to more serious sessions on issues that come up in everyday life, they held at Merlin's Circle Reception, had a pajama party, and a Prison Break Ball.
Other notable sessions included how to podcast; roleplaying games; the Art of Azkaban; Making and modifying patterns for costuming; Queers in the Wizarding World and...; Harry Potter in communities of color; Making money through fandom; Feminism & Romance; Fighting the Slytherin Stereotype (the Slytherins stood on one side of the lobby socializing while the others stood on the opposite end and there was a notable separation); Harry Potter and social justice; Harry & Tarot; A Wrock Opera and the Phenomenon of Wizard Rock.
I shot some video which you should definitely tune into for more insight into the way Potter fans think. It's a whole new world, I found myself thinking again and again. Below are some shots I took of fandom in action at AZKATRAZ 2009.
July 26, 2009 in Books, Conference Highlights, Entertainment/Media, Events, Science | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack
July 10, 2009
Cambridge's Nokia Labs Key Research Areas
I'm at Nokia Labs in Cambridge England looking at their latest innovations under the hood. Four Key research areas for them include: rich context modeling, new user interfaces, high performance mobile platforms and cognitive radio.
We looked at smart surface materials that externally control color change as well as nano sensing in future mobile devices.
Consider the mobile opportunities with over 3 billion mobile subscribers today. The Labs folks tout an outstanding statistic: up to 90% of the 6 billion people on earth will have mobile coverage by 2010. Note the adjective coverage, not mobile phones.
We also covered physical and digital worlds from personal to global sensor information.
Below Nokia's head of social media worldwide: Mark Squires in Cambridge.
July 10, 2009 in On Technology, On the Future, Science, TravelingGeeks, United Kingdom, Web 2.0 | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack