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March 03, 2014
Next Generation Power Summit Kicks off on March 5
I recently agreed to participate in an online video series on social media in business called Next Generation Power Summit, produced and organized by Australian entrepreneur Rosemary Burnett.
The series will kick off March 5, 2014 and run through March 18 and the schedule of social media gurus and expert interviews are listed below.
The video interview series aims to help businesses with their online and digital strategy through advice and insights from a host of folks living it and breathing it every day. Objectives of the series are to:
- Get clear about your core message and brand
- Build a following on social media
- Attract and connect with your ideal client in the places they are hanging out.
- Turn those connections into relationships and sales
- Learn the strategies the experts have adopted themselves, to achieve ‘big business’ success.
I'm up on March 17 however there's a host of great other consultants and specialists in the line-up starting on March 5 beginning with Rosemary's kick off. Note that it is free to participate but you have to register on the main Next Generation Power Summit home page.
I'm told that this Tele-summit series is similar in approach to a Global Mentor Mastermind event. There will be the opportunity to watch the video interview replays for a limited time if you can’t make it on the launch date however you will need to register regardless to get access to the content.
March 3, 2014 in Conference Highlights, Events, On Social CRM, Social Media, TravelingGeeks, WBTW, Web 2.0 | Permalink
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