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November 18, 2012
Sprinklr's e-Book of 30 Essays on "Social at Scale”
The folks over at Sprinklr recently created an e-book collection of short essays on the theme “social at scale.”
The eBook provides advice from social media leaders on how to scale social media in the enterprise world.
I was invited to participate with 29 others, including Rohit Bhargava, Mitch Joel, Chris Brogan, Jason Falls, Joseph Jaffe, David Meerman Scott, David Armano, Peter Shankman, Mack Collier, Michael Brito, Jay Baer, Edward Boches, Nilofer Merchant, Ted Coine, David Weinberger, Shelly Palmer, Mark Earls, Augie Ray, Brett Petersel, Ted Rubin, Sarah Evans, Jeff Bullas, Amy Vernon, Matt Dickman, Thomas Baekdal, Venkatesh Rao, Richard Stacy, Hugh MacLeod, and Doc Searls. Sprinklr termed the group the “Social Media Dream Team”. Go figure.
Aside from insights, there are also tips, useful checklists and a “readiness assessment.” Download the ebook here.
November 18, 2012 in America The Free, On Blogging, On Branding, On Social CRM, On Technology, Social Media, TravelingGeeks, WBTW, Web 2.0 | Permalink
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