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June 21, 2011
Steve Rosenbaum on Curation: People Hunger For Not More Info but Clarity: #140Conf
Below is a video clip I shot of Steve Rosenbaum's presentation at 140 Conference in New York last week. The topic? A hot one. Curation of course. Have a listen.
Says Steve: "In a noisy world, people hunger for not more info, but less. They hunger for clarity!" Curation -- human curation brings that clarity. Below is a Webdoc created after his presentation which combines the video which I shot above as well as some background on Steve @magnify and his latest book: Curation Nation. It only took a couple of minutes to create and demonstrates how you can share a much richer experience of his talk by combining video with something else all in the same place. You embed the webdoc in the same way you do a YouTube video simply by copying and pasting the HTML code into your blog post.
June 21, 2011 in America The Free, New York, On Technology, Social Media, Videos, WBTW, Web 2.0 | Permalink
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