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June 02, 2011
Social Media ROI and Measurement: Great Resources & Links
Social media ROI and measurement is an ongoing progress. We all use the tools and some of us even have budgets large enough for the increasingly expensive monthly fees to monitor and make sense of the social media landscape. In other words, is all the time we're investing in social media paying off? Will it bring us more paying customers? More traffic? A community around our brand that will last or be significant short and long term?
Natalie Petouhoff aka @drnatalie and Kathy Herrmann have talked a lot about social media ROI and recently, together with Salesforce.com, produced a white paper and several videos. Below are the links to the materials they created. Their goal is to help people:
- Believe that the ROI of social media can be calculated
- Gain a better understanding of how ROI can be calculated
- Use this information to start to create their own business cases and
- Stimulate a lot of discussion on the topic.
These resources will help you get a clearer understanding of the impact social media can have on businesses, education, government and other areas.
Snackable Insights Into ROI of Social Media
Episode 1: How to Build a Business Case for Social Customer Service
Episode 2: Calculating ROI for Social Customer Service
Episode 3: How Social Customer Service Benefits the Entire Company
White Paper: ROI Guide
June 2, 2011 in America The Free, PR & Marketing, Social Media, WBTW, Web 2.0 | Permalink
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