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June 23, 2011
Facebook Adsales Says Brands Are Over-Obsessed With Fans? Perhaps It's That They Don't Understand Their Fans
Facebook Adsales chief says brands are over-obsessed with fans. Hmmm, perhaps on the surface that may be true, but....
My thoughts? It's not that brands are over-obsessed with fans, it's that they don't understand their fans and suddenly social media is showing them a way to really BE connected to them in ways that frightens them.
It's almost like urban meets the rural village and both throw up their hands and say now what?
It's always been about the village and the community which makes up and gathers around that village. Brands NEED that village. They love you or they don't. Give them a reason to...
June 23, 2011 in America The Free, On Blogging, On Branding, PR & Marketing, Social Media, WBTW, Web 2.0 | Permalink
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