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June 21, 2011
Craig Newmark: Make Your Mark Online by Contributing & Giving: #140Conf
Craig Newmark tells the 140Conf crowd in New York to make your mark online by contributing and giving where and whenever you can. Below is a video of his talk.
Says Craig, "Press should be the immune system of democracy." By contrast to a solo video, here is a Webdoc created during his talk which incorporates photos, tweets and a simple survey, all of which only took a few minutes to create and a couple of button clicks to embed this here, as easy as embedding a YouTube video via HTML code. The same video could have been included in the webdoc as well for added richness and diversity.
Disclosure: I provide some consulting to the Webdoc team.
June 21, 2011 in America The Free, Conference Highlights, Events, On Technology, Social Media, TravelingGeeks, Videos, WBTW | Permalink
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