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February 26, 2011
Snapshots From #LAUNCH11 in San Francisco
Below are some random shots from the LAUNCH Conference held at the Design Center in San Francisco this past week.
Jolie O'Dell, Marshall Kirkpatrick and Heather Meeker
Above photo credits: Kris Krug
Below Tim O'Reilly, Renee Blodgett, Francois Nadal (myERP.com)
Above photo credit: Jean Baptiste-Su
Below Robert Scoble and the Domo guys geek out over fun mobile apps and new Motorola Tablet
Meeting Max Swisher for the first time, a 7th grader who is running / writing the Good Morning Geek blog and website. What were you doing when you were in the 7th grade?
Below, Dave Mathews talks ToothTag on the Launch Stage (wins best technology by judges)
The Domo guys certainly have passion even if you can't exactly figure out what they do
The TripBod Team....YAY, Women at the Helm.
The ViralAge Team show their new Launch.Forum platform, soon to be launched.
Some of the judges below. Full listing can be found here.
While most people were in T-shirts, some folks were a stylin' such as the sneakers Addreoid's Head up from LA. When someone dresses well in the Valley, you know they're either over from Europe, in from New York or Miami or up from Los Angeles. Not a priority here but writing k-a code sure is. :-)
February 26, 2011 in America The Free, Conference Highlights, Events, On Technology, San Francisco, Social Gigs & Parties, Web 2.0 | Permalink
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