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October 12, 2010
Pulver's New @BrandsConf Wants Speaker Proposals: #BrandsConf
Yesterday, Jeff Pulver announced @BrandsConf, a New York City-based conference on December 2, 2010 that will explore the "Humanization of Brands" and the underlying effects this is having on business.
He is interested in both speaker submissions and sponsors for this one day event, that is being held at the 92nd Street Y, the same location as his New York #140Conf. The venue is funky, down-to-earth and has good flow, with an elevator to the third floor cafeteria where you bump into locals who are there for the Y, not the conference.
One of the things that is so fresh about Pulver's events is that they have 'soul.'
Since the birth of the real-time Internet, many businesses around the world offering products and/or services have found themselves establishing a presence on both Facebook and twitter and have been challenged with the task of having to having to have someone (or a team) represent their company and become their online and physical voice for their brands. For many companies this is something both new and challenging.
He will focus on the human side of brands, since not only are people becoming brands in the world of always on digital marketing, but brands are people too.
After watching thousands of brands become alive on Twitter, rather than just being an observer of such trends this event will encourage people participate in that very important discussion.
He's looking for "creative, out-of-the-box thinkers" to come forward and pitch him something relevant they would like to discuss from inside the respective worlds of the business segment they are operating in. In the tradition of the #140Conf events, individual presentations will be 10 minutes long and panels will run 15 to 20 minutes.
The conference will explore a range of topics from best practices to the legal issues to the natural conflict of personal and corporate branding. The take-aways from this event will provide the attending delegates knowledge, perspectives and insights to the next wave of effects the real-time Internet will have on brands and business.
October 12, 2010 in America The Free, Events, On Branding, PR & Marketing, Social Media, WBTW | Permalink
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