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September 28, 2010
Bubbalon Provides Value to Ratings & Check-Ins
Bubbalon is demonstrating their latest at the TechCrunch Disrupt Event this week in San Francisco. Touted as a location-based sentiment sharing application, Bubbalon allows people to express their opinions about people, places or things. Their sentiment can be distributed out to their own communities and the world at large, directly from their PC or through a mobile device.
Using Bubbalon, not only can you share and vote on your experiences in-the-moment as they happen, but you can also get trusted opinions from your friends and experts on a wide range of places, people, interests and things, including restaurants, hotels or a politician.
Users can share online, from their mobile device through their browser, or via Foursquare. The Foursquare connection allows users to add sentiment value to places at the same time they’re checking into a venue, making that check-in more valuable to friends in your Foursquare community as well as to the venue owner you're rating.
You can sign up for free at www.bubbalon.com and follow them on Twitter to learn what they're up, including trends on how people rate specific things, including products. Below is a short video clip that simplifies "why do this" and where it adds value, on top of being fun and incredibly addictive.
September 28, 2010 in America The Free, Client Announcements, Conference Highlights, Events, On Branding, On Geo-Location, On Technology, Social Media, Videos, Web 2.0 | Permalink
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