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July 19, 2009
Wonga's Short Term Loan Solution
Wonga's CEO and Founder Errol Damelin talks to me about their short term lending solution.
Wonga, an Accel Partners funded company based in the UK, focuses on short term cash advances, which is also suitable for mobile. Over 100,000 loans have gone through their system already and it's growing.
People are using Wonga today to solve short-term cashflow problems. One of the things that is making people adopt it so quickly is that it's fast, easy, convenient and easy to use.
Within an hour, you can have short term cash in your hands and the whole application process only takes a few minutes. Tune in for more below.
July 19, 2009 in On Money, On Technology, TravelingGeeks, United Kingdom, Videos, Web 2.0 | Permalink
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Great article. There is some great data here that I look forward to sharing.
Posted by: Peter Baptiste | Jul 19, 2009 6:50:28 PM