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October 23, 2008
Where Sarah Palin Really Fits? The Guiding Light
On the campaign trail, hockey mom Palin needs $150K worth of clothes and accessories to demonstrate just how to down-to-earth she is. Some of the top publicists I know who also have to look sharp haven't spent that much on clothes in their lifetime. Trying to justify this at a time when McCain touts budget cuts and the economy is collapsing is not going to get very far. What were the Republicans thinking?
It's hard to believe that a high-end hair stylist was part of that $150K judging from her public appearances. $4,100 for makeup and hair consulting? Hair consulting? And apparently the McCain campaign also reported paying $13,200 in September alone to celebrity makeup artist Amy Strozzi. (she fetches the highest salary in McCain camp). Are you joking? Folksy "you-betcha" Palin doesn't want to serve the American people, she wants to "play celebrity." Nothing wrong with wanting to play celebrity Palin but give up the political gig and go home PLEASE - this is a national embarrassment.
October 23, 2008 in On Fashion, On Politics | Permalink
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