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February 22, 2008
A World Without Wires & Traditional Phones
GigaOm mentioned client Toktumi in an article she writes about the utopia of all things wireless in your home. Hear hear Stacey.
She says, "I could see a world without wires, a life with fewer cables running into the house and no phone jacks on the wall." If you look under my desk and behind it, its still hard to imagine a world without wires. Behind my flat screen HDTV, its even worse. Yet, I still try to imagine for without the imagination and the hope, we'll forever be bound to cables and wires.
She writes about the simplicity of options like femtocells, T-Mobile’s UMA efforts, voice over Wi-Fi, the and once she can port my old number, switching to a service like Toktumi for her second phone.
February 22, 2008 in Client Media Kudos, On Technology, On VoIP | Permalink
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