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January 29, 2008
Ecrio's MoBeam
Ecrio's MoBeam is demoing a new service on the DEMO 08 stage this afternoon that can be used for customer incentive programs, contests and promotions, ticketing and coupons.
For the first time, without the benefit of any kind of packaging, consumers take advantage of BAR codes for tickets, coupons and special offers. Using Bluetooth, Ecrio's MoBeam technology uses a light source on a small keychain-based device or mobile phone to originate the long-and-short sequencing of a standard barcode.
A standard laser scanner - like those in use in over 35 million brick-and-mortar retail locations in the US - interprets those light beams exactly as it would the reflection of a printed barcode. They have also ported this over to the Windows mobile platform. Check out their demo here. They tout their new service as the "green way to shop."
January 29, 2008 in Conference Highlights, On Mobile & Wireless, On Technology | Permalink
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