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August 13, 2007
Amazing Shot of Guy at Gnomedex
As a follow on to my Gnomedex Guy Kawasaki post, check out an amazing shot (incredible shot, engaging shot, blah blah) of Guy, taken by Hyku's Josh Hallett. Below for those too lazy to click on the link, although his blog is worth meandering through.
BTW, he's also a Typepad wizard, which I learned through his quick troubleshooting skills on the ground last week. While he was tweaking my code with intense concentration, I also discovered that he has incredibly long eyelashes, the kind that women long to have. I captured his mug as part of my portrait experiment which I'll post before the end of the week.
August 13, 2007 in On People & Life, On Technology, Social Media, Web 2.0 | Permalink
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