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June 26, 2007
BusinessWeek on Niche Search Engines
BusinessWeek's Catherine Holahan covers client Spock in an article today about niche search engines' approach to the market. They even make the opening line.........she goes on:
"A Google search for an individual may return tens of thousands of links in milliseconds. But it won't display a concise summary of all the information available on the Web about that person, such as her occupation, her interests and hobbies, her age, marital status, where she's from, and what she looks like."
Enter Spock, one of the niche search companies who are tapping into this explosive market. As co-founder Jay Bhatti points out, "what works in general search doesn't necessarily work in vertical search."
She also talks about health search, and other niche makets and how a bigger players' vertical attempts have played out so far, i.e., Froogle, which has "never caught on as the way to browse the Web's endless aisles." More on this space in general and from Spock soon.
June 26, 2007 in Client Media Kudos, On Search, On Technology, Web 2.0 | Permalink
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