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May 09, 2007
Start-Up Camp
Ironically, I only talked to four start-ups at David Berlind and Doug Gold's Start-Up camp on Monday. Yet, I spent a chunk of time catching up with some of the Google and Yahoo guys, who like sponsor of the event Sun, is after developers. Yahoo's technology evangelist Kent Brewster shoots me with the Yahoo Developer team Jeremy Zawodny, Eric Marcoullier and Matt McAlister.
Below is Google's Director of Enterprise Communications Michael Nelson
And of course there were Sun guys swarming everywhere....
David Berlind in a suit. He looks fabulous of course, but a suit in Silicon Valley? C'mon Dave. Below is David using the horn to corral the troupes to the next session.
A great shot of David Berlind and Dan Farber below
Steve Gillmor and Salim Ismail
David also blogged about the event, particularly Sun's CEO Jonathan Schwartz' keynote. From the keynote, he writes about Schwartz' encouraging advice that start-ups need to make technology into a competitive weapon — in other words, "to be grouped into the category of businesses that deliver services to users instead of just being a business that consumes those services (and technology) and that sees IT as nothing more than a cost."
May 9, 2007 in Conference Highlights, Events, On Technology, San Francisco, Social Media, Web 2.0 | Permalink
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