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April 11, 2007
Spock: More Than Just People Search
Data point: 30% of Internet searches are people-related. TechCrunch is the first to write about the upcoming launch of client Spock's beta, which will be demonstrated on the LaunchPad stage at Web 2.0 Expo next week.
Arrington played around with Spock and had a great experience discovering "information about different kinds of people - bloggers, celebrities, and even lesser known individuals with some web presence." Says Mike, "where Spock really shines is what they do after the search is completed. They are slowly indexing the entire web, which is no small feat, but also focusing on important hubs of people information like blogs, wikipedia, photo sites and, of course, social networks."
Users will be able to add tags and vote on whether existing tags about people are relevant or correct. In addition to data on individual people, Spock connects people to others, so relationships are shown between people based on an analysis in a web index, as well as information the user adds to the profile.
Come and see their presentation on Monday April 16 between 4 and 4:30 pm at the Moscone in San Francisco (third floor - ask where the LaunchPad companies are in the limelight).
April 11, 2007 in Client Announcements, Client Media Kudos, On Search, On Technology, Web 2.0 | Permalink
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Hi Renee!
Interesting post.
Fore me there a two developments possible concerning people search engines:
-) Webpages like ziki.com or soon Spock.com will make their user's lifes easier by helping them organizing their personal contents and feeds. This will allow them to become some sort of content hubs first and stand-alone social network pages in a further evolution.
-) Their attempt to link users amongst them on their websites will fail and their services will be used by their members to create an online ID card (or resume) in order to become more visible on the web, for instance, to appear amongst the search results for professional head hunters. In this case, Ziki and Spock.com will have to position themselves as pure people search engines for a more business driven community.
I am using Ziki.com to aggregate my whole web content and as an online ID card. Ziki's also offering a free online referencement on the main search engines(Google, Yahoo!, MSN) and content networks to its users.
Posted by: Rupert Schiessl | Jul 9, 2007 3:05:04 AM