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February 01, 2007
ZOHO Notebook
ZOHO's new Notebook is unveiled today at DEMO in Palm Springs.
Their new notebook allows you to create a photo page, a video page, a spreadsheet page and so on. There are three components: Content creation, Content aggregation and Content Collaboraton.
ZOHO Notebook allows you to create different kinds of content and you can place this content anywhere on the page simply by dragging and dropping it to where you want to go. They showed the Video and Spreadsheet pages, where you could create a pie chart. Make a change in one section and it automatically gets updated in other sections. You can also use any section of the notebook as a whiteboard. Content collaboration allows you to share an entire notebook inside other pages, or you can share an individual page at the object level.
February 1, 2007 in Conference Highlights, Events, On Technology, Social Media, Web 2.0 | Permalink
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