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November 17, 2006
ValleyWag on Benioff & WSJ
ValleyWag has a well written article and take on the noise around Salesforce.com's Marc Benioff, who apparently put a private investigator on the tail of WSJ's Pui-Wing Tam, described here as one of the Journal's more enterprising reporters. I agree and in my experience, she's also great to work with.
Says ValleyWag, "This paranoid behavior by Silicon Valley execs is becoming a habit." It becomes a habit with most who get thrown into the limelight quickly and didn't really sign up for the media hype that comes with the success. Not new but perhaps not as natural for the technologists in the Valley as it may be for those who signed up for a Hollywood lifestyle.
It's a great read. While we're on well known blog reporting, two others we all know well and follow, get praise for breaking stories this week. GigaOm for News Corp. Ross Levinsohn moving on and TechCrunch for the news of Calacanis leaving AOL, reported recently in the NY Times.
November 17, 2006 in In the News, On Technology, PR & Marketing, Social Media | Permalink
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