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September 02, 2006
Web 2.0 Out of Control?
Kevin Maney writes about Web 2.0 'out of control,' and early on, he references a GigaOm post from earlier in the week:
"A couple days ago, we pointed to Mooglets widgets, the creation of Rome-based Mad4milk.net. Today, we are shocked to learn that Mad4milk has been acquired by Freewebs. The Web host says it will repackage Mad4milk's JavaScript effects library, offering developer community site Freewebs Farms, and soon a widget library."
Absurd and I agree. I'm in the tech industry and I have no idea what a mooglet, widget library or Mad4milk is. It's about time someone poked fun of the child-like, ridiculously funny and often hard to remember names. He points to Kiko, Imeem, Eyespot and Meebo as a select few.
Kevin notes that during a recent encounter with tech bloggers and industry types, they started talking about the "gaggle of sites popping up and how a lot of them seem just too geeky for words." You think? He ends with this thought: it's hard to imagine how the world can absorb everything being pumped out there. Here here Kevin. Even as a full time job, its nearly impossible to keep up.
September 2, 2006 in On Blogging, On Technology, Social Media, Web 2.0 | Permalink
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1998: eyeballs, eyeballs, eyeballs…
More “masterpieces”:
- create AJAX-enabled podcasts
- incentivize blogging network effects
- integrate user-centred ad delivery
- undefined citizen-media widgets
- integrate rich-client tagclouds
- post Cluetrain synergies
- share standards-compliant folksonomies
- beta-test A-list life-hacks
- remix data-driven web services
- post blogging blogospheres
Stop this madness! Solve real problems! There are lots of them… Create useful services!
Posted by: Dimitar Vesselinov | Sep 3, 2006 1:22:59 PM
There is a burst of creativity...and there is a bubble that isn't about inflated values, but staying inside a bubble.
Any tech that helps people reach out and is user friendly will have value. There is more and more group connection, less top down spoon feeding.
Posted by: daniel | Sep 3, 2006 6:34:06 PM
I agree - most of these firms will end up being 'widgets' anyway. Why else are we seeing widget aggregators pop up? Better to make spades for the prospectors than actually prospect...
Posted by: Mike Butcher | Sep 4, 2006 12:49:08 PM
You know, I think everyone should re-read what Mike just said. Then read it again:
"Beter to make spades for the prospectors than actually prospect..."
Here's my take on it.
The prospectors are the HUGE number of small businesses who have yet to even venture online (big market).
A spade is a simple tool that doesn't require any training to learn how to use.
Relative to return of prospecting, the spade is very inexpensive . These businesses need spades, simple, effective, proven spades.
Proven tools to make more money and get more clients. Web 2.0, Business Blogging, whatever, it has to be simple and it has to be proven.
The businesses in the fly-over states (like my home of Kentucky) don't have time for hype and conferences and b.s. They need customers and they want to make money. Can any of this Web 2.0 stuff help them do it, that is the question.
No hype, no bookshelf of books of why you should do it. But results.
Posted by: Tom Bailey | Sep 4, 2006 5:05:47 PM