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July 12, 2006
Wired News Sold Off Again
My friend Alison and I were chatting tonight and she asked me what I thought of the recent Wired News acquisition.
As former editor of the media property, she was all over it. How to keep up with news in every category you need to be on top of -- in real time? Don't say it. RSS. I'm all over it and still can't keep up and even if I could, I'm still inundated with far too much information than I could possibly digest in a day -- and still be productive and actually 'have a life.'
I discovered it through my NY Times read later, and yet, part of what I struggle with lately is how to be productive and informed AWAY from my computer -- away from all devices frankly. Yeah, I know, not possible.
Imagine a scenario where you're lying on a beach -- did I mention a white sandy beach -- listening to your ipod and then switch stations for a sec, and everything you customize to receive in real time reads you the updates you want quickly and efficiently. You can respond and say save or forward to email or delete. Yes. I'm in control and it works. Build me that someone will ya?
So I learn that Wired News goes to Conde Nast for $25 million, who also owns Wired magazine - the print publication, that the Times describes as "equal parts technology-culture trend-spotter and glossy product catalog."
Lycos paid $83 million for Wired News back in 1999 - a different 'era' in the tech business. Apparently Lycos will hang onto original Wired online properties including Hotbot, Hotwired and Webmonkey.
July 12, 2006 in In the News, On Technology, Social Media | Permalink
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