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May 03, 2006
Tony Perkins Opens The Show
Tony Perkins opens the show floor at OnHollywood last night.
He starts by talking about Web 1.0 stats, such as the growth and trends in email and the fact that 1 billion people went online, which led to early online opportunities. Web 2.0 follows shortly behind, which is where we are now, or is it? IMers and bloggers ignite the consumer generated media revolution.
Enter Web 3.0, which is where we'll see the 'real' Internet boom. Hmm, haven't I heard that one before? It's additive and complimentary and we're building on existing Web 2.0 innovations.
More than half the world will be online, mainly through cell phones and mobile devices. All entertainment and media content goes mobile and onto the big screen and lastly, a continued growth of online communities. I'm thinking - go vertical with these. I'm not a teenager with endless time on my hands; and there are simply too many horizontal communities for me to keep up.
I'm the generation between the IM generation and the baby boomers, so do I even matter? Do these creators and innovators think my generation will be users? His opening remarks suggest that we should follow the IM generation since they ARE our future.
This can already be seen with the disrupting forces in entertainment and media today. IMers and bloggers are creating and replying on their own online networks. Services, such as GoingOn, which Tony launched at OnHollywood yesterday, is abou the ability to create your own branded network in 15 minutes.
A few winning strategies, says Tony....
--Take your community online
--Kids watn to create and access their content anywhere, on all platforms, including mobile and TV
--Watch and follow the IM generation
Tag: OnHollywood 2006
Tag: OnHollywood
May 3, 2006 in Conference Highlights, Entertainment/Media, Events, On Technology | Permalink
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