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February 19, 2006
Naked Conversations Launch Celebration
Robert Scoble & Shel Israel launched their new book last night at Mike Arrington's house in Atherton, California, with a crowd of 200+ bloggers, press, social media and Web 2.0 types.
The Foldera guys. Note Oliver on the left also writes MobileCrunch with Michael Arrington. Think all of your data organized instantly in a more efficient way. (generic description I know; but an accurate one in a dozen words - they'll be at eTech in a week.
Hey, Jeff, do you ever miss an event? With VideoEggKevin Sladek and Buzz Bruggeman
Dan Farber also made an appearance and has a camera that puts mine to shame. Good group shot taken by Rafe Bloggers mixing with marketing - what has the world come to? Kevin Werbach makes an appearance from the east coast It looks like Tantek from Technorati and Vassil from Blogtronix in the background. Simply Hired's Dave McClure who wears 500 hats and subscribes to Dr. Seuss' "fun is good" philosphy. With Oliver Starr (this is before we started losing feeling in our feet -- did I mention that it felt like a winter New England night last night?) Rob Hof of BusinessWeek Shel autographs a book Blogging Crowd (okay, nearly, Liz Gannes is on the right) Ted Rheingold was smarter than the rest of us - he wore a HAT, perhaps not a wool hat, but a HAT - did I mention that it felt like a New England winter night last night? Tony Gentile with a Google mobile engineer Stowe Boyd and Salim Ismail (both out from the east coast), with Robert Scoble.
Marc Canter and Irina Slutsky (note Marc Canter's coat and we're now inside -- a coat of this callibre was necessary) ) Dave McClure again (that 500 hats & Simply Hired guy), me, Salim Ismail and Jennifer Myronuk Smile Gentleman Chris from Flock and Riya's Tara Hunt Arrington's lucky day - in the middle of a brunette (yeah, that's my natural, well, close to it :-) and a blonde. (yes, that's Jen again :-) She was filming the 'scene' when I arrived. Despite it being an evening of honor for Scoble, he still gets roped in (yeah, by me :-) to see a demo of Sharpcast from Gibu Thomas and Allen Bush (of course they're a client if you haven't figured that out by now). I couldn't feel my feet by this point in the evening. Great shot in the back corner of the tent (where one did NOT go to unthaw. Who's in this photo anyway?) Money passing hands for one of Robert and Shel's new books. Yes its a 20. Yes that's Robert's teeth. Hey, is that Allen still demoing photos? Nick Douglas talks to Derek Dukes. Hey, who are these posers? Oh yeah, its their celebration. Go on, pose for the camera guys. We wish you the best and many sales and 'book buzz' in the months ahead. This is a freelancer filming the above two posers from the sidelines. Don't you feel like you were at the party at this point? Note to blog: Robert Scoble took off his shirt for a Rocketboom shot, so make sure to tune in. Peace to you too girl. And kudos and congrats. For those of you who don't recognize her, its Robert Scoble's wife Maryam who also has a blog. After all that, doesn't it make you feel as if you were there last night?
February 19, 2006 in Books, Events, On Blogging, On Technology, San Francisco, Social Gigs & Parties | Permalink
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The Naked Conversations TechCrunch Party is now officially over (except for Stowe Boyd and Jason Roberts who are passed out on my couches). The pictures are here and here (tag: techcrunch5).
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Oh yeah, I am not going to TED, PCForum and Kinnernet. Still wondering about ETech...
Posted by: Jeff Clavier | Feb 18, 2006 11:35:01 PM
Thank you for mentioning Foldera.
I appreciate it.
PS. It was fun watching EVERYONE standing in line- to get to you all night!
Posted by: Richard Lusk | Feb 20, 2006 7:01:53 AM
Wow! You should publish a who's who on the side. You reminded me of people I would have spoken to if I had remembered what they looked like.
This was like playing put the name on the face without having to play. Thanks!
Posted by: Ted R. | Feb 21, 2006 8:07:38 PM
Wow! Another fabulous social event. I must say you are very gregarious. I surmise that residents of the so-called area of our nation known as "dumbf**kistan were not invited to this fabulous event.
Posted by: Richard | Feb 28, 2006 6:17:09 AM