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December 06, 2005
Ah Yes, The French!!!!!
Why is that every time I spent time with my French friends, that I 'FEEL' like I'm connecting, touching and tasting life rather than just viewing it. This week, I engaged in what my VC and turnaround (sorta) industry guys from Paris and Boston refer to as a simple wine tasting.
It turns out that its a get together and lecture on wines, almost entirely 'en francais,' led by lead Opus One winemaker Michael Silacci. For those of you who have been to (and tasted) Opus One wines know, a gig led by Silacci isn't a bad place to be.....Opus Wine sampling was included of course.
It was held at a law office in Redwood City (run by French guys)....and of course the spread, while simple, was all part of the experience that brings me back to: why is it so difficult to replicate in the states? We marvel at the start-up gig that throws an event in some divey bar that gives us bad pizza with processed cheese and a keg of beer? I'm not a snob, but I care about food and wine -- and guess what, it doesn't take a lot of money or energy to deliver a quality experience. Why do we value this 'experience' so little in this country?
You'll no doubt have a dozen or so examples that prove me wrong. This gig on the other hand was a simple 'law office' - get to know you event. Nothing more. My point, is that our culture doesn't promote or endure it.
Thanks for a gig, the people in my life who understand, and a culture that reminds me of texture, taste, space, time, 'real food, wine' and color that gives our life more depth and ....... well more depth and layers. Isn't that enough?
December 6, 2005 in Arts & Creative Stuff, Europe, On Technology, San Francisco, Social Gigs & Parties | Permalink
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