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November 14, 2005
Union Square Aggression
I was warned that begging for money was prevalent in San Francisco but I never expected it to be so invasive. I tend to avoid Union Square and frankly, have only been there twice since I moved here -- and never at night, until recently. I couldn't walk two blocks without people aggressively asking for money. By the time I reached my car, we had encountered close to ten people, who wouldn't move out of our path until we gave in or darted for cover - my car. And when we didn't oblige 9 out of the 10 cases, they simply did not go away. Intense. I've lived in a lot of places, but never quite experienced this level of aggression among the homeless.
November 14, 2005 in America The Free, On People & Life, San Francisco, Travel | Permalink
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I just returned home from a another visit there and deliberately chose a hotel away from Union Square for that precise reason. A few other folks at the hotel said they'd done the same thing. Others, I suspect, might not come back at all after dealing with confrontational begging around Union Square. Pity. It isn't something first-time visitors expect to find in one of the wealthiest of our cities.
Posted by: billg | Nov 15, 2005 4:54:52 AM
Bill - I agree. I've lived in numerous countries and have never quite experienced begging at this intensity, except for maybe India. Even then. It was very aggressive and hard to get away from. Why isn't someone fixing this? This city is broken on SO many more levels that is evident on the surface.
Posted by: Renee Blodgett | Nov 15, 2005 10:46:30 AM
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