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October 05, 2005
Not Kansas
San Francisco is one of those places where you end up accidentally walking into a time warp occasionally -- and you never know when its going to happen. This past weekend, while walking through Golden Gate Park, we discovered a local concert surrounded by food and jewerly stalls, not unlike a mini festival that you could find anywhere in the country.
The difference was that I continuously had this surreal feeling that I was walking around in Woodstock, it was the 1960s and somehow I had been planted there by another planet in another time.....or did I just walk into a zone where time did in fact stand still. If you want it to 'be' something else, we all know that through the power of our thinking, language and actions, that more is possible than we ever imagined.
No, not the East Coast, not Europe, not Asia, not quite like anywhere I've lived really. And most certainly, not Kansas.
October 5, 2005 in Arts & Creative Stuff, Events, Music, San Francisco | Permalink
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