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October 05, 2005
New: KnowNow eLerts
On Day 1 of Web 2.0 in San Francisco, client KnowNow introduces KnowNow eLerts, an instant notification service for RSS.
KnowNow eLerts is a continuous instant notification service that delivers RSS content directly to end-users as soon as it is published. Users can now instantly receive relevant news and content as soon as it is available, without the need to be anchored to a particular site, RSS reader, or aggregator. This translates into a cleaner and more efficient experience: no pop-blockers, search, IM, voice, email, or portal interference. Subscriptions are created by simply dragging-and-dropping any RSS or Atom feed onto the eLert Toobar or Deskbar.
It's easy to use and set up. You are are in complete control of the content you wish to receive and upon receipt, are sent directly to the publishers’ original content. Any Internet syndicated content can quickly be added or removed in an open and anonymous environment, without surrendering your identity. You also avoid missing important information because of firewalls and SPAM.
The KnowNow eLert service is provided at no charge for personal use and available for download starting today here. It will soon be available as a hosted branded service for businesses.
CTO Ron Rasmussen, will be demonstrating KnowNow eLerts at the Web 2.0 LaunchPad session at the Argent Hotel today between 2:45 and 4 pm.
October 5, 2005 in Client Announcements, Conference Highlights, Events, On RSS, On Technology, Web 2.0 | Permalink
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