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June 11, 2005
KRON TV Event For Bloggers
KRON 4 TV hosted a 'bloggers lunch' and gathering at their studio on Van Ness in San Francisco today. Someone remarked that not many of the 'old guard' showed up and I found myself thinking, "am I part of the old guard? who is part of the old guard really? And more importantly, what on earth does the old guard mean? Does Old Guard mean that we've been in this blogosphere for longer than a year, two years, three? I found the comment interesting.
And then that begs the discussion - who's part of the new guard and what does that mean exactly?
.......Represented from the crowd I know included Biz Stone from Google, Anil Dash from Six Apart, Technorati's Niall Kennedy, Feedster's Scott Rafer, Phil Wolff, Craigs List Craig Newmark, JD Lasica, among a host of other familiar faces
While on the dark side and hard to see, below is a shot of KRON TV President Mark Antonitis, who talks to the group of some 100 bloggers who showed up to hear about their vision for bloggers and social media.
"What I know about the blogosphere is completely foreign," says Mark. "I'm a traditional news man...." He goes on to talk about their interest in partnerships between mainstream media entities and bloggers. "A meeting like this one breaks down the barriers and fears." Here here Mark.
KRON TV plans to publish and maintain a list of Bay Area bloggers starting sometime next week. They'll include the RSS address and plan to build an aggregator. They also plan to start covering some of the things that we (yup, the old and new guard) write about and want to promote our efforts locally and nationally.
Says KRON, "We recognize that 'you - meaning the bloggers in the room' are an informative, entertaining group of people. We want to create something great together in the Bay Area."
Here are a few group shots of all of us in the KRON TV studios.
June 11, 2005 in Events, On Blogging, On People & Life, San Francisco | Permalink
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» Today's blogger meetup at KRON from New Media Musings
Today I attended a wonderful meetup of bloggers at KRON4 TV in San Francisco. Lots of familiar faces: Anil Dash, Scott Rafer, Renee Blodgett, Eleanor Kruszewski, Mike Rowehl, Chris Nolan, Chris Newmark -- some heavy blogger firepower there. About 120 ... [Read More]
Tracked on Jun 11, 2005 11:29:30 PM