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March 19, 2005
Blogzine Launches
Blogzine launches, which is New Communications Forum's new bi-monthly online publication dedicated to exploring new communications tools, technologies and emerging modes of communication, (including blogs, wikis, RSS, podcasts, search marketing, etc.).
It aims to discuss the growing phenomena of participatory communications and their effect on traditional media, professional communications, business and society at large.
Their first issue explores the evolution of new models for journalism, PR, brand marketing, and advertising, and a contribution from blogger Jeremy Wright.
March 19, 2005 in On Blogging, On Journalism, On Technology, PR & Marketing | Permalink
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Gisteren signaleerde Down The Avenue dat er een nieuw online magazine (twee maal per maand) is verschenen: Blogzine
This bi-monthly online publication is dedicated to exploring new communications tools, technologies and emerging modes of commun... [Read More]
Tracked on Mar 20, 2005 8:22:55 AM