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January 18, 2005
Craig Newmark at SD Forum
Craig Newmark of Craig's List is speaking at the next SD Forum event, which is this Thursday night, January 20 at PARC (George Pake Auditorium) in Palo Alto.
It starts at 7 pm (networking before) and will be moderated by Maya Draisin, Co-founder of The International Academy of Digital Arts and Sciences.
The event is co-hosted by the Computer History Museum, The Institute for the Future, ACM San Francisco Bay Area Chapter, CSPA, and UC Berkeley Haas School of Business. The theme for the 2004-2005 series of talks is "The Software Commons." I've attended a few of their speaker series events since I arrived in the Bay Area and they're worth checking out.
January 18, 2005 in Conference Highlights, On Technology | Permalink
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