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December 16, 2004
More on Podcasting & Why People Care....
Despite the fact that podcasting has such a great name with tons of "buzz and cool factor" potential, I'm surprised it has taken off as quickly as it has. I talked to the Executive Director at Denver's DaVinci Institute today about a speaking panel at their upcoming Blog Bootcamp, and he asked if we could talk about podcasting.
Slashdot refers to the DaVinci Institute as the "museum of the future." It should be an interesting session. My guess is that it will be one of those days where the people in the audience are as smart and compelling as the people on stage and thought provoking discussions will extend into the hallways during breaks and into the evening.
Here's a useful link on why people care about podcasting.
Adrants also posts something on how podcasting will transform media consumption. Note that there's a "paid ad" at the top of the post.
December 16, 2004 in On Blogging, On Technology | Permalink
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